U-shaped hair pins (also called U-Pins) are a must-have for any woman who loves styling her hair with ease. Not only do they securely keep your hair in place all day long, but they also add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any look. They are so much simpler and faster to use than bobby pins, and hold much better! U-pins are an amazing alternative to bobby pins!
In this blog post, we will teach you how to use u-shaped hair pins in a bun, top knot, and French twist, for perfect styling every time!
How to use U-Shaped Hair Pins Step-by-Step:
Step 1: Gather your hair into the style you'd like (Bun, Top Knot, French Twist, etc.) being sure to keep the bun or twist tight
Step 2: Insert the ends of the u-pin into the side of your bun or twist, with the bend of the u-pin opposite the bend of your head
Step 3: Turn the direction of the u-pin and insert it into the hair behind your bun or twist, going along the scalp, now with the bend of the u-pin the same bend as the shape of your head.
Step 4: Repeat with the other u-pin on the other side of your bun, or lower along the edge of your twist
How to Use U-Shaped Hair Pins in a Bun
It is oh-so-easy to put your hair up in a bun using U-pins! Just two u-pins take the place of multiple bobby pins! In the video below, my daughter Kathleen will show you how!
How to Use U-Pins in a Top Knot Bun
In this video, Kathleen will demonstrate how to do a Top Knot Bun, using U-pins, a hair stick, and a Flexi hair clip!
How to Use U-Shaped Hair Pins in a French Twist
Okay, this video is of me this time, as my go-to hairstyle is the French Twist. It is an elegant hairstyle that looks like you spent a lot of time on it, but in reality, it only takes seconds!
How to Use U-Pins in a French Twist, Step-by-Step
Here is another French Twist U-pin tutorial. This time I am demonstrating on my daughter, so you can see close-up how to do the U-pin French twist step-by-step.
How to Use U-Shaped Hair Pins in a Braided Bun
A beautiful variation of the basic bun hairstyle is the Braided Bun. I love the feminine look. Simply make a long braid, wrap it around into a bun, and secure with Lilla Rose U-pins. So easy!
Watch Kathleen's video tutorial below on how to do a braided bun with u-shaped hair pins!
How to Use U-pins in a Bun, Vintage Back Roll, and Petite Vintage Rolls
How to do a Bun, Vintage Back Roll, and Petite Vintage Rolls using the Lilla Rose U-Pins. This was one of my very first YouTube hairstyling tutorials many years ago (notice, I would not show my face! LOL)
I still love these old-fashioned vintage hairstyles, which are made so much easier with u-shaped hair pins!
Small vs. Large U-shaped Hair Pins
The U-shaped hair pins featured in this post were all "small" u-pins, which are two-pronged and 3" long.
You can get them in sets of two at Lilla Rose. Most hairstyles can easily be achieved with just two u-pins, even in thick, heavy hair, which is amazing (much better than the ton of bobby pins you may have used in the past!)
The other type of u-shaped hair pins are the "large" u-pins. They are also called French Pins, Hair Forks, or Swerve U-pins. They are also two-pronged, but are 4.5" long. And for most hairstyles, just one large u-shaped hair pin is all that is needed.
To learn more about the Large U-Shaped Hair Pins, see my post How to Use a Large U-Shaped Hair Pin.
Where to Buy U-shaped Hair Pins
Thanks so much for reading my post on how to use u-shaped hair pins! To shop all of the Lilla Rose U-pins so you can try one of these beautiful yet simple updos yourself, click the button below!
Super-easy way to cut your own hair!
Learn to cut your own hair at home with the simple ponytail method. Super easy and takes just 5 minutes! Click below!
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